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The Bishop Fraser Trust

The Bishop Fraser Trust A Church of England Multi Academy Trust
with the vision to allow
all children to experience Life in all its fullness

Our Vision & Values

The Bishop Fraser Trust - A Church of England Multi Academy Trust

What is a Multi Academy Trust?

A multi-academy trust (MAT) is a single organisation established to improve and maintain high educational standards across a number of member schools. Through collaboration and partnership the member schools are able to share expertise and resources. A MAT has responsibility for the overall governance, finance and performance of the member schools.

Who were the initial member schools of the MAT?

The Bishop Fraser Trust was established in December 2017 in Bolton. Canon Slade School and St James’s CE High School came together as convertor academies with the ambition to secure best practice, uphold the positive aspects of tradition and a provide distinctive Christian education for our families.

We were delighted to welcome Bolton St Catherine’s Academy in May 2018 as a sponsored academy and Bury Church of England High School joined us as a convertor academy in January 2022.

What is the vision at The Bishop Fraser Trust?

Our vision is:

To allow all children to experience ‘life in all its fullness’, no matter what their starting point.

We will do this by:

  • Offering a high quality, inclusive and distinctive education
  • A caring and nurturing environment based on our Christian values
  • Recognising the unique nature of each child.

Who was Bishop Fraser?

James Fraser was a former Bishop of Manchester and established the Diocesan Board of Education.

Appointed to the role in 1870 he won the respect of many after rejecting the comfortable bishop’s residence, instead preferring to live in the city centre so he could be closer to the people.

During his time as Bishop of Manchester, Fraser saw 99 new churches consecrated, set up over 100 new parishes and founded the Bishop's Fund for poorer parishes. A statue was erected to Bishop Fraser in Albert Square in 1888. On the pedestal of the statue are three bronze panels that show Fraser in his three roles: bishop, citizen and man of charity. The panels around the plinth of the statue depict a man who was close to the people and it seems that he was both highly respected and warmly regarded.

We felt that with his close ties to the people and his crucial role in setting up public education in the North West, Bishop Fraser represented much of what the Trust has set out to do. This is also reflected in our brand which uses Manchester Diocesan colours and the Bishops Mitre.

Frequently Asked Questions

We recognise that as a member of staff, a parent / carer (prospective or current), a student or a member of our wider communities you will have some queries and questions. Below we have provided answers to the more frequent questions we know you will have.


Who is the MAT Chief Executive Officer (CEO)?

The CEO of the MAT is Tuesday Humby.

What will change at my school as a direct result of the formation of the MAT?

All the schools and students will see sustained benefits upon formation of the MAT:

  • Stronger governance on strategy, performance, leadership, teaching standards and finance
  • Added value to teaching and learning through working in formal partnership with other schools
  • Access to national and international networks and partners
  • Better value for money on services and resources procured for the schools

What will stay the same?

There will be few visible changes at your school as a direct result of the formation of the MAT:

  • The names and uniforms of the schools will not change as a result of the MAT being formed
  • The schools’ current admissions policies will not be affected