St Catherine's CE Primary, Horwich
St Catherine's CE Primary School has been led by Head Teacher Karen Graham since 2008. At its most recent Ofsted inspection (March 2022) it was rated Good and has an Outstanding SIAMS inspection judgement. It is also a Challenge Partners Leading School.
St Catherine's is a school which is filled with a buzz of happy activity and the warmth of positive relationships between pupils and adults. The children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum by wonderful teachers, and the academic standards are high; but St Catherine's is about so much more than this.
It is about giving everyone the opportunity to shine and be proud; it is about having the confidence to have a go at anything and the belief that you can succeed. It is about tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others and pride in what others do well. It is about the fun, magic and laughter of school life and the making of all those memories that last into old age.
We believe that it is these things that make our children lively, confident and articulate and is why they move on to fulfilling lives built upon the Christian values and strong foundations laid in the school.